In this assignment, you will set up your development environment and learn how to use GitHub for version control. This assignment has 3 parts and must be submitted through GitHub Classroom. No exceptions will be made.

Deadline: Sep 1, 2022 15:59 PST

1) Development environment setup

Follow the steps in Disk A and include a single screenshot of the following Terminal commands:

nvm -v

node -v

npm -v

yarn -v

git --version

Also, include a screenshot of your Visual Studio Code’s Extension page, like so:


I have a ton of plugins, you only need to show you have the two I mentioned installed.

In summary, for this part you will need to submit 2 screenshots. Name them SS1 & SS2, order doesn’t matter.

2) Learning to use Git & GitHub

Accept the HW0 invitation:

After you’ve gained access to the HW0 repository, follow these steps:

  1. Clone and open your HW0 repository using VSCode.
  2. Open [](<>) and add your full name and student ID to the beginning of the file.